Monday, September 30, 2013

Happy Plants

After a 5 hour water cut yesterday - presumably owing to the fact that the town well was dry after months and months without any real rain and months and months of shopkeepers watering cement footpaths and roads - it started raining last night and it has rained all day.

The plants are very happy!

We never get notice of the water cuts, they might announce them in Albanian on local Radio Kosovo or something but news doesn't get to our us.  And while I'm completely fine with the electricity cuts, which happen most weeks, the water cuts always freak me out.  I feel like I'm desiccating and suddenly have an urge to drink 10 litres of water.  Also, invariably, I always discover that the water has been cut just as I've put soap all over my hands or lathered up my hair.  After yesterday's episode we have increased our stockpile of reserve 'non-potable' water to 6 litres - plenty to rinse a bit of shampoo out of your hair and make a cup of tea.

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