Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Bravo, Costa Brava!

Earlier this month we spent 5 great days on the Costa Brava in Spain, in a little fishing town called Llanca.

Hanging out with the parents - who had already (clearly) spent a week longer than us on the beach

Last time I had visited this place was about 6 years ago, when, fresh from finishing our internships in The Hague and without jobs or any prospects, Romain and I had decided to pass a month bumming around here, drinking $2 a litre port and grilling fish on the balcony.

Gladly, not much had changed.

Snuggly tree in the town square

In the meantime, Romain had gained his scuba license so on our last morning - a glorious hot blue day - he took the plunge with a local diving crew.

Ordinarily I would have joined him, but my circumstances these days preclude it (more here).  So I amused myself by snorkelling on the surface with the jelly fish.

Later that day we ate at this AMAZING restaurant - Miramar - on the harbour at Llanca.  2 Michelin stars, no less.  Fancy us!

Romain took his second plunge for the day, and I walked out with a ring!

A fabulous holiday.

But I promise we DO actually spend most of our time in Kosovo, and I will post more stories about our life here soon.

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